Yahalom MD is pleased to offer a large selection of Magazines for lending on the broad topic of Special Needs

In the images below, you will find the cover and the table of contents for each magazine in our lending library.
Zoom-in to read specific topics of interest.

We know that printing or ordering your own copy can get time-consuming and costly. Yahalom has hard copies available for borrowing!

Make your request on the link below, and we will be so happy to make your magazine choice(s) available. Alternatively, e-mail your requests to yahalom@agudahmd.org.

All magazines come with protective plastic covers.

All of these magazines are free to subscribe through email from the vendor.

Below you will find the editions of the Neshamale Magazine and the CPUU magazine in our library. Fill out the form, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.


Neshamale Magazine

The Neshamale Magazine is a magazine for Jewish families who have children with special needs.  It’s full of stories, tips, chizuk, advice and inspiration, and there is also a special section geared to the siblings. 

Neshamale comes out every 3 months.

If you would like to subscribe to the Neshamale Magazine, send an email to neshamalemagazine@gmail.com with the words “subscribe” in the subject line. Printed copies can be ordered for a fee at ramapost.com/neshamale.

Cerebral Palsy Unites Us

The CPUU is a magazine for Jewish families who have children with Cerebral Palsy.  It is also a masterpiece resource which offers stories, tips, chizuk, etc.

CPUU comes out twice per year.  

If you would like to subscribe to CPUU, send an email to cpuumagazine@gmail.com for a free copy to be sent to you by e-mail or by mail.

Issue 1




Issue 3




Issue 5




Issue 7




Issue 9




Issue 11




Issue 13




Issue 15




Issue 17

Issue 2




Issue 4




Issue 6




Issue 8




Issue 10




Issue 12




Issue 14




Issue 16

Issue 1




Issue 3

Issue 2