The 2025-2026 BOOST Scholarship Application will CLOSE on May 9, 2025 (at 11:59pm)


While filling out the 2025-2026 BOOST application, here are answers to a few of the commonly asked questions:

BOOST application ‘accounts’: If you have never applied for BOOST in the past, you will need to create a new account. However, if you created an account and applied last year, your account should still exist, and you will not need to create a new account (unlike in years past).

Income eligibility: The income chart below will help determine your family’s BOOST eligibility. “Annual household income” is the figure on Line 11 (Adjusted Gross Income) of your 2024 Form 1040 Tax Return.

Household Size:

Parent(s) + children

Annual Household Income:  

Household Size:

Parent(s) + children

Annual Household Income:
2 $37,814   7 $87,579
3 $47,767   8 $97,532
4 $57,720   9 $107,485
5 $67,673   10 $117,438
6 $77,626   Each additional child Add $9,953

Each applying family MUST have already filed their 2024 tax return in order to complete the application. In the rare situation that a family is not sure if they are required to file a tax return, please speak to a tax advisor ASAP or take the IRS online “tax interview”. Please note that the BOOST Alternative Income Verification Form is no longer accepted.

Two important notes on your tax return: 1. If your 1040 tax return pdf is password protected, you must have it saved in an unlocked format before uploading it to the BOOST application/portal.  2. The IRS does not require parsonage payments to be included in your “annual household income” when filing your taxes. 

Apply for each child: To receive a BOOST scholarship for each of your K-12 aged children your application must include all of them – both new AND repeat applicants.

More than four children applying: This new application portal allows for up to four children to apply at one time, but not more. If you have more than four children, you MUST respond to the prompt asking “how many additional children…”. You should then email, stating that you have additional children for whom you wish to apply for BOOST. Make sure to include your name and phone number in your email. In response you will receive a form allowing you to add additional children to your application.

Kindergarten: In schools that have Pre1A as the year prior to first grade, what that school calls “kindergarten” is actually still considered nursery and thus not an eligible grade. For the BOOST application, children in Pre1A should select “kindergarten”. If your child is younger than one year prior to first grade, he/she is not eligible.

Enrollment confirmation letters are NOT required by the new application system.

Special needs scholarships: If your child has a special education arrangement in school (whether it’s an IEP, ISP, 504, or other individualized plan), be sure to respond “yes” on the application and upload the supporting document(s). If the special education arrangement is administered by the school, the school must provide this documentation in order to receive the additional funds.

BOOST application assistance: As in past years, our office is standing by to assist families with their applications and to answer questions. Please email or call (and leave a message) 410-484-3632 if you need ANY additional assistance.

The Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) will hold a tutorial webinar for parents to walk through the application and answer questions on Tues March 11 at 12:00 pm, and on Thursday, March 20, at 5:00 pm. Additionally, the department will be available for virtual assistance every Wednesday at 12 noon. (Links to the webinars are posted on the BOOST application page, in addition to the hyperlinks here.)


About the BOOST Scholarship Program

Years of advocacy efforts in Annapolis to assist tuition weary day school families, yielded – beginning in 2016 – the BOOST Scholarship Program. Scholarships are available for families whose income is within 185% of the federal poverty level. BOOST scholarship awardees use the funds they receive to pay towards the tuition assessed by the participating nonpublic school of their choosing.

Beyond lobbying for the program’s creation, continuation, and funding, Agudah Maryland mobilizes the day school community, facilitates program guidelines, and provides families with individual assistance in order to ensure maximum community participation and benefit.

During the seven years of the program, BOOST has provided Maryland families with 20,000 scholarships totaling $55 million to attend a nonpublic school. Of that total, nearly 27% has gone to Jewish day school families. 

Historic Visit by Governor Hogan to Celebrate BOOST Program

On Tuesday, December 13, Governor Larry Hogan came to Baltimore to join the Jewish day school community in celebrating the success of the BOOST scholarship program. The event was hosted at Bais Yaakov High School and drew a crowd of close to 700 people, comprised of students from several schools, as well as administrators and lay leaders from the nine Baltimore Jewish day schools who participated in the BOOST program.

The BOOST (Broadening Options and Opportunities for Students Today) Program was created during the 2016 legislative session in Annapolis and funded by a $5 million allocation in the Governor’s budget.

All Maryland students wishing to attend a nonpublic school – or those already enrolled in a nonpublic school – were eligible to apply for a scholarship as long as their family’s income level did not exceed the eligibility criteria for the federal “free or reduced price school lunch” program. Schools eligible for the program were those whose tuition did not exceed the statewide per-student cost formula for the public schools.

Close to 5,000 applications were submitted during a six-week application period that ended in early July, with nearly 3,000 clearing all of the qualifications. After policies for the program were developed by an advisory board in July and August, scholarship award letters were dispatched to families on a needs-first basis to four categories of students based on income level and whether they were transferring from a public school or staying within the nonpublic schools.

In the Jewish day schools across the state, scholarships were awarded to over 700 students totaling over $1 million.

On Tuesday, the Jewish day school community came out en masse to express their genuine appreciation to Governor Hogan for his role in making the dream of school choice in Maryland come true.

Arriving at Bais Yaakov’s Mount Washington campus in the early afternoon, the Governor was greeted by a sea of hundreds of students in their matching uniforms standing along the school’s driveway and in its parking lot, with many holding up signs and banners welcoming him. He was visibly moved by the warm and excited greeting, commenting later that he had never experienced a welcoming of that magnitude. He was brought to the eleventh grade American History class where he chatted with the students and their teacher, Mrs. Chana Kagan, about their studies and fielded several questions from the girls about Maryland state politics.

The Governor then proceeded to the auditorium where a large and excited crowd awaited him.

The program began with words of greetings from Rabbi Yechezkel Zweig, principal of Bais Yaakov High School, who welcomed the Governor and acknowledged the presence of a number of other state and local elected officials and shared a childhood memory of then-New York Governor Nelson Rockefeller’s visit to his Brooklyn Jewish day school. He then called up Rabbi Ariel Sadwin, director of Agudath Israel of Maryland and president of Maryland CAPE (Council for American Private Education), who served as the program’s emcee.

Rabbi Sadwin gave a brief history of the nine years of advocacy that he and his coalition partners (a group consisting of Agudath Israel of Maryland, the Maryland Catholic Conference, the Baltimore Jewish Council, the Association of Christian School International, the JCRC of Greater Washington, and the Orthodox Union) spent working to pass a program through the state legislature that would provide some relief to the tuition-weary day school community. He spoke about his first encounters with then-businessman Larry Hogan, who on the gubernatorial campaign trail in 2014 won the hearts of many in the community when he pledged to work on behalf of nonpublic school students and families. Rabbi Sadwin told of the challenging process of rolling out the new BOOST program within a short amount of time and the heroic efforts put forth by the staff of the Maryland State Department of Education going above and beyond to get it done.

Continuing the program, groups of students from Cheder Chabad, Bnos Yisroel, and Bais Yaakov were called up separately and they made heartfelt presentations to the Governor expressing their deep appreciation.

Rabbi Michoel Berkowitz, a rebbi/Judaic studies teacher at Talmudical Academy spoke on behalf of the BOOST scholarship parents and expressed their collective gratitude for the BOOST program. He explained how the concept of “hakaras hatov” recognizing and appreciating kindness – is one of our hallmarks as a people, something we express with the dawn of each day and at many other junctures throughout the day. He shared how this program has provided struggling families with hope and opportunities they otherwise would not have.

Rabbi Sadwin then called upon Mrs. Elizabeth Green Esq., vice president of Bnos Yisroel, executive board member of Baltimore Jewish Council, and BOOST advisory board member, to introduce the Governor. As one of the two appointees to the advisory board made by Governor Hogan, Mrs. Green expressed her appreciation for being given the opportunity to play a role in the BOOST program. She then introduced the Governor to a rousing ovation from the crowd.

The Governor opened up his remarks by sharing how overwhelmed he was by the reception and how the endless flow of appreciative words brought him on the verge of tears. He spoke about the closeness he feels to the Jewish community and how meaningful his recent trip to Israel to promote Maryland-Israel business interests was. He then shifted his focus to the BOOST program and the high priority he gives to providing help for students in all types of schools. He then surprised the crowd by publicly announcing for the first time that he will be increasing the budget allocation for the BOOST program from $ 5 million up to $10 million over the next three years. The response from the crowd was deafening as they all stood and cheered at the news of the increased funding. The Governor concluded his remarks by wishing all of the students continued success in their studies and extending warm pre-Chanukah wishes.

Other elected officials joining in the event were State Delegates Shelly Hettleman, Dan Morhaim, Sandy Rosenberg, and Dana Stein, who played a critical role in taking the BOOST proposal and seeing it through the legislative process; State Secretary of the Department of Aging Rona Kramer; and Baltimore City Councilman Yitzy Schleifer.